Moss UK — focusing on consistency of quality,
from concept to installation

Moss UK (formerly MacroArt), based in Cambridgeshire, UK, has been providing graphics production, branding displays and signage solutions with a stunning visual impact for global brands and agencies for 29 years. Its industry-leading in-house production hub serves a portfolio of clients in a range of sectors including live events and exhibitions, retail, sport, property, interiors and heritage and visitor attractions.

The business is a Moss Global company, following its acquisition in 2023 by Moss Inc, Illinois, a leader in premium graphics, complex structures and custom installations for brand experiences, linking it with sister operations in Germany and Poland.

Use case
Installation management, integrated with Lift ERP
Event branding, Retail
Company size
100+ employees
Favourite features
Install calendar
Photos on job completion
Lift ERP integration
A group photo of the team on a hike

The team recognises that the production of graphics solutions is just the first part of the journey – the complete customer experience also relies on top quality installation.

With around 100 staff, four internal installers and 50 installation subcontractors, effectively delivering a consistently high-quality installation experience is essential – and that’s why the team is working with Vantage software.

100+ team
50+ installation
5 years with
“We use Vantage’s installation project management software linked with our Lift ERP software from Durst to ensure all our installations go smoothly and are hitch free.”
Hannah Attfield headshot
Hannah Attfield
Installation Manager

A commitment to top quality project management and installation

Whether a project is small-scale or a global roll-out, clients can rely on Moss to deliver a high quality, impactful end result, says Hannah Attfield, Installation Manager.

“Our professional team of in-house installers and network of subcontracted installation teams work across the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe,” she said. “As the final link in the production and delivery chain, their role is absolutely crucial for a great customer experience – and ongoing relationships!”

“We use Vantage’s installation project management software linked with our Lift ERP software from Durst to ensure all our installations go smoothly and are hitch free.”

“Vantage is our main communications channel between our project managers and the installers, both in-house and subcontractors. This helps us ensure that no matter who installs our work, customers will receive the same, high-quality service.”
Hannah Attfield headshot
Hannah Attfield
Installation Manager

Developing the software

Moss started working with Vantage several years ago  when the  installation management software was in it’s early stages, with the teams consulting closely to ensure the product was tailored to the needs of wide-format print and signage companies..

The relationship has grown ever since and they recently collaborated again as Vantage began working with the team at Lift / Durst on integrating Lift ERP Vantage software. This integration is helping keep the project management and installation process as efficient as possible for both the project managers and installation teams themselves.

Hannah added: “Vantage is our main communications channel between our project managers and the installers, both in-house and subcontractors. This helps us ensure that no matter who installs our work, customers will receive the same, high-quality service.”

Using the Vantage app to replace hundreds of admin phone calls between project managers and installers not only saves time, it also frees up the team to focus on the more complex parts of their job. Simple tasks such as allocating work, updating job details and running calendars are all now done quickly and easily through the app.

The app contains:
  • task lists including contact details for the project manager
  • job location and work documents
  • access information
  • store photos for approval
  • sign off sheet for the client

Hannah added: “The key features for us are the ability to upload documents for access on site, removing a huge amount of printed paperwork and making sure the installers always have up-to-date information. The software also supports our audit process, helping us to keep track of how the business is working as a whole, so we can pick up any issues and see where we can make improvements.

“The Vantage app is also popular with our installers, all of whom have been added and find it very easy to use. It’s streamlined our process for working with them rather than using emails and phone calls or them having to collect printed installation packs.

“The client portal that Vantage have built for us  means our customers are also benefiting from more streamlined installations and can use Vantage to keep a track of what’s happening with their installations, and get the approval photos for sign off quicker.
Hannah Attfield headshot
Hannah Attfield
Installation Manager

Projects that run smoothly from start to finish

The company recently became a Moss Global company after its acquisition by Moss Inc, Illinois, a leader in premium graphics, complex structures and custom installations for brand experiences, linking it with sister operations in Germany and Poland.

Charlotte Barham, Client Experience Manager said that Moss' 44,000 sq ft production hub operates around-the-clock and produces an enormous range of branding and signage solutions.

“At Moss we have a highly skilled and experienced team of specialist project managers,” she said. “We can also provide detailed technical and operational support, such as site surveys, technical assessments, artwork guides and detailed installation schedules to ensure projects run smoothly.

“Where we work with installation subcontractors, some have their own groups of installers that they call on. In these instances we are able to set them up with their own Vantage dashboards so they can receive their jobs from us and then allocate them to their own teams in the same way that we do. This means that if their chosen installer has a query on site, the subcontractor is able to deal with it themselves rather than referring back to us, as they have all the same information that we do. By giving subcontractors their own mini-version of Vantage, they have a great handle on the work and we know that their providers will be working in the way we expect.

“The client portal that Vantage have built for us  means our customers are also benefiting from more streamlined installations and can use Vantage to keep a track of what’s happening with their installations, and get the approval photos for sign off quicker.

The use of sign off photos in the Vantage app also helps protect the Moss teams by showing the completed work. For example, if they are working in a shared space such as an office refurb, if anything gets damaged by someone else they will have the evidence of how it was left by them.

Hannah added: “This not only helps us guarantee a top-quality installation experience, it also helps us to get bills out and cash in faster!”
Hannah Attfield headshot
Hannah Attfield
Installation Manager

Integration across the production and installation process

The new integration of Lift and Vantage has helped the team to free up mind space. Now everything the project managers input into Lift feeds into the Vantage platform automatically which has completely removed the need for double entry of data.

Like Vantage, Lift is a paperless system. It is used to raise orders and installation POs, and live tracking through production. The new integration with Vantage allows project managers to create a task and have live updates between the two, with photos even appearing back in Lift as soon as the job is approved in Vantage.

Hannah added: “This not only helps us guarantee a top-quality installation experience, it also helps us to get bills out and cash in faster!”

Want to see it for yourself?

Book a call with one of our expert team to see using installation project management from Vantage can help you streamline your wide-format print & signage installations.

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